Mexico Interoceanic Corridor Study

Mexico is exploring the rise of new opportunities as a result of manufacturers choosing to nearshore some production capacity to shorten their supply chains, looking to attract plants to the Tehuantepec area of Mexico while also developing an interoceanic corridor across the isthmus in the same area. While Tehuantepec is relatively far away from Mexico’s U.S. border, Mexico is considering the prospects for developing new port capabilities in Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos intended to serve new shipping services serving U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Central America cabotage trades. The Monument team, led by Dr. Kent, was retained by the Inter-American Development Bank to evaluate global and regional trends, including nearshoring and friendshoring, that may lead to opportunities for Mexico beyond its border areas; identify cargo generators, including the diversion of land-based cargo transport to maritime routes, and assess the current market, operational, and facility conditions of the ports of Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos.