Assessing market conditions and the impact of economic factors on market value.
Accurate and reliable valuation of business interests, assets, and securities is crucial to successful litigation. Economists at Monument Economics Group assist clients in this regard by applying sound economic, financial, and statistical principles to a variety of income-, market-, and asset-based modeling techniques to develop representative and accurate assessments of value.
With experience spanning across a variety of asset classes and industries, our experts and consultants are able to quickly and efficiently assess market conditions and the impact of economic factors on market value. In cases where historical data and other valuation benchmarks are either unavailable or inadequate, our economists offer advanced approaches to valuation that effectively combine econometrics, finance, and statistics.
Our credentialed experts have prepared valuation opinions for shareholder and other commercial disputes involving privately-held companies, business interests, and other assets. This includes economic lost profits analyses, and damages sustained in breach of contract litigation.
Monument Economics Group can also assist clients in reviewing fairness opinions offered to support mergers, acquisitions, and other financial transactions, and providing an independent assessment of the adequacy of consideration being offered.