Dr. Paul E. Kent is Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Ports and Logistics. He is a globally recognized authority on port performance monitoring, privatization, competition regulation, and institutional reform, with more than three decades’ experience in ports, logistics, transportation, and special economic zones. He has directed or participated in more than 200 projects spanning 52 countries, giving him a deep understanding of many country and regional environments and dynamics. His expertise extends to master plan feasibility studies, privatization and concession strategies, economic and financial assessments, operational performance assessments, demand forecasts, investment due diligence, and international arbitration of investment disputes. Paul has also developed several decision support tools for policymakers, regulators, and terminal operators. Among them are a port operational performance indicator monitoring system, a port administration performance tool, logistics corridor performance assessment tool, and a port competition monitoring tool.
Paul’s clients include numerous multilateral development banks, the International Finance Corporation, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, United Nations, foreign government ministries, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other donor organizations, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, investment banks, and project owners. Paul has published in several scholarly journals, has presented peer-reviewed papers at academic conferences, and has been a frequent guest lecturer in ports and logistics at MBA programs, other university graduate programs, university-sponsored colloquiums, and scholarly conferences. Selected engagements include:
Myanmar’s Yangon Comprehensive Port Development Plan
International arbitration dispute DPWorld Callao S.R.L., P&O Dover (Holdings) Limited, and The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company v. The Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/21
Southern Vietnam’s Port Decongestion Strategy
Honduras Port Concession Performance Monitoring
Nicaragua Port Sector Reform and Privatization Strategy
Ethiopia National Logistics Strategy
Panama Canal Growth Strategy
Saudi Arabia’s National Port Strategy
Port of Albany, New York Growth Strategy Study and Master Plan
Indonesia’s National Port Master Plan
Development of Operational Standards for Colombia’s Ports
East Africa Corridor Diagnostics Study
Suez Canal Area Development Program
Port Concession Advisory Services, Kenya
West Africa Corridor Assessment Study
Republic of Georgia Port Concession Program
Paul is the only American to have received a doctorate from Russia’s Central Scientific Institute for Water Transport Economics and Operations, the same entity attended by his mentor, Dr. Anatoly Hochstein, retired Distinguished Chair Professor and Director of LSU’s National Ports and Waterways Institute. At the time, Russia was in a very early stage of port sector reform and privatization, providing Paul with a virtual laboratory for developing and testing his port competition regulatory tool, which ultimately formed the basis for much of the regulatory module of the World Bank’s Port Reform Toolkit. In addition to his Ph.D. in Maritime Economics, Paul holds a Master of Science in Urban Studies degree from the University of New Orleans and Master of Public Administration and B.A. in Political Science degrees from West Virginia University.
Ph.D., Maritime Economics, Central Scientific Institute for Water Transport Economics and Operations, Moscow, Russia, 2000
Master of Science in Urban Studies (M.S.U.S.), College of Urban and Public Affairs, University of New Orleans, 1984; thesis: Analysis of Financial Alternatives for Port Development: The Port of New Orleans as a Case Study
Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.), Graduate School of Public Administration, West Virginia University, 1977
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University, 1976
Dr. Paul Kent was retained as an independent industry expert to prepare two reports and testify before an international arbitration tribunal related […]
Anaklia Development Consortium vs. Government of Georgia, ICC Case No. 24851/MHM/HBH
Bob Meijer vs. Government of Georgia, ICSID Case No. ARB/20/28
DPWorld Callao S.R.L., P&O Dover (Holdings) Limited, and The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company v. The Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/21
Autoridad Portuaria de Manta v. Terminales Internacionaes de Ecuador S.A, IIHC, Hutchinson Port Holding Limited, Case No. 091-13
Project Experience
Senior Port Regulatory Specialist, Review of Draft Port Law, Mozambique (2020)
Technical Director, Port Authority Institutional Capacity Development Program, Haiti (2016-2018)
Ports Advisor, World Bank Advisory Team for Transport Sector Reform, Oman (2014-2015)
Senior Port Institutional Specialist, World Bank National Port Strategy, Saudi Arabia (2013)
Team Leader, Scoping Study for Port Labor Reform, Indonesia (2012)
Team Leader, Scoping Study for Port Operations Administration Toolkit, Indonesia (2012)
Team Leader, Preparation of National Port Master Plan Decree and Technical Memorandum, Indonesia (2011-2012)
Team Leader, Port Sector Institutional Reform, Indonesia (2011)
Team Leader, Port Sector Legal Reform and Privatization Strategy, Nicaragua (2009-2010)
Team Leader, Preliminary Assessment for Establishing a Port Regulator, Egypt (2008)
Team Leader, Abu Dhabi Maritime Regulation Project (2006-2007)
Team Leader, Development of National Transport Policy, Ghana (2005-2006)
Team Leader, Port Sector Regulatory Review, South Africa (2003)
Team Leader, Costa Rica World Bank Port Reform Workshop (2003)
Team Leader, Guidelines for Port Sector Reform, South Africa (2002)
Port Regulatory and Privatization Specialist, World Bank on Port Reform, Privatization, and Concession Structure and Strategy for East African Region (2002)
Work Shop Leader, Workshop on Port Reform and Privatization for the Nigeria Port Sector (2001)
Team leader, Development of Regulatory Module for Port Reform Toolkit (1999-2000)
Team Leader, Establishment of a National Port Sector Unfair Trade Practices Monitoring System, Colombia (1998)
Team Leader, Technical Assistance to Russia’s Port Sector Reform, with Port Archangelsk as a Model (1997)
Transition Plan for the Transfer of the Panama Canal (1993-1994)
Port Sector Reorganization Plan for Nicaragua (1992-1993)
Venezuela National Freight Transportation Study (Port Sector Reorganization component) (1993)
National Port Development and Reorganization Plan for Costa Rica (1995)
Port Institutional Specialist, Organizational Review of the Los Angeles Harbor Department (1995)
Team Leader, Russian Port Restructuring Training Program (1994)
Financial Projections for the Superintendente General de Puertos, Colombia (1992)
Port Specialist, Port/Customs Operations Interface Assessment, Colombia (1992)
Port Reform and Development Strategies for the Port Sector in Asia (1992)
Technical Assistance for Restructuring Costa Rica’s Port System (1992)
Team Leader, Development and Implementation of Management Information System for the National Port Authority of Colombia (1990-1991)
Team leader, Reorganization Plan for Colombia’s Port Sector (1991)
Team Leader, Technical Assistance Project for the Somali Ports Authority (1989)
Team Leader, Somali National Ports Authority Technical Assistance Program (1989)
United States Pilotage System Comparative Assessment (1988)
Louisiana Statewide Port Assessment (1987)
Study on the Future of the Port of New Orleans (1984)
Study on Financing the Future of the Port of New Orleans (1984)
Director, Concession Supervision and Regulation Program, Puerto Cortes, Honduras (2014 – 2016)
Port PPP Advisor, Ministry of Treasury/Kenyan Ports Authority (2016-2017)
Director, PPP Advisory Services for Port Transaction, Haiti (2015-2016)
Port Concession Specialist, Assessment of Concession Bids and Negotiations, Puerto Moin Container Terminal, Costa Rica (2011)
Team Leader, El Salvador Port Sector Market Assessment (2010-2011)
Team Leader, Port Sector Institutional Reform and Privatization, Cape Verde (2009-2010)
Team Leader, Preliminary Assessment for Coal Terminal/Power Project, Uruguay (2009-2010)
Team Leader, Investment Due Diligence Assessment, New Container Terminal, Buenaventura, Colombia (2007-2008)
Team Leader, Investment Due Diligence Assessment, Greenfield Container Terminal, Santos, Brazil (2007-2008)
Team Leader, Technical Advisory Services for Puerto Callao Concession Program, Peru (2005-2006)
Team Leader, Establishment of the Independent Port Regulator, South Africa (2003-2004)
Transaction Advisor, Preparation and Execution of Port Concession Program, Port of Poti, Georgia (2003-2004)
Team Leader/Port Specialist, National Concession Reform Program, Guatemala (2003-2004)
Transaction Advisor, Technical Advisory Services to the Buenaventura, Colombia Port Concession (2003)
Team Leader, Privatization Feasibility Study and Development of Transaction Documents for Port Manta, Ecuador (2000-2001)
Team Leader, Port Privatization Study and Implementation for Nicaragua (2000-2001)
Port Specialist, Due Diligence Study for Belde Container Terminal, Turkey (2000)
Atlantic Gateway Port Market Assessment, Nicaragua (1999)
Port Sector Privatization Study and Implementation, Costa Rica (1999-2000)
Port Specialist, Port Callao, Peru Due Diligence Assessment (1999)
Port Specialist, Container Transshipment Center Marketing Analysis for Privately Owned/Operated Container Terminal, Manzanillo, Panama (1994)
Team Leader, Comprehensive Port Master Plan Feasibility Study, Port of Yangon, Myanmar (2019-2021)
Port Advisor, Master Plan Study for Port and Special Economic Zone, Liberia (2020)
Team Leader, Port of Albany Master Plan (2018-2019)
Team Leader, Port of Albany, New York Growth Strategies Study (2016-2017)
Lead Ports Advisor, World Bank Panel, Suez Canal Area Development Program (2014-2015)
Team Leader, Master Plan Feasibility Study for Andalucía Inland Water Port, Colombia (2013-2015)
Corporate Principal/Port Specialist, Ethiopia National Logistics Strategy (2013-2015)
Port Strategy Specialist, World Bank National Port Strategy, Saudi Arabia (2011-2013)
Team Leader, Master Plan Feasibility and PPP Study for New Port, Haiti (2011-2012)
Team Leader, Port Economic and Financial Assessment, New Container Terminal, Namibia (2011-2012)
Team Leader, Scoping Study for Master Plan and PPP Transaction, Indonesia (2012)
Team leader, Preparation of National Port Master Plan, Indonesia (2011)
Team Leader, Puerto Bahía Liquid Products Terminal Feasibility Study, Colombia (2010-2011)
Team leader, Port Institutional and Concession Strategy Specialist, Tema and Takoradi Master Plan Feasibility Studies, Ghana (2009-2010)
Team Leader, Development of Multimodal Perishable Logistics Hub, Panama (2006-2007)
Team Leader, Container Terminal Feasibility Study, Republic of Georgia (2006)
Team Leader, National Port Development Plan, Perú (2003-2004)
Team leader, Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala Master Plan (2003-2004)
Team Leader, Panama Canal Market Segment Studies (2002-2003)
Team Leader, Development of Corporate and Master Plan and Corporatization of Dredging and Engineering Services, Karachi Port Trust, Pakistan (1999-2000)
Team Leader, Business Plan Development for a Privately Owned Port in Ecuador (1998)
Strategy Specialist, Growth Strategies Study for the Panama Canal (1996)
Port Strategy Specialist, Port Development Strategies Study/Indonesia (1995-1996)
Team Leader, Master Development Plan for the Port of Buenaventura, Colombia (1995-1996)
Team Leader, Evaluation of Opportunities and Strategies for Increasing Cruise Shipping in Louisiana (1994)
Port Specialist, Development Plan for Port Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan (1997)
Port Specialist, Port Competitiveness Analysis for the Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena (1997)
Inland Water Port Specialist, Upper Mississippi River Intermodal Transport Facility (1989)
Team leader, Puerto Rico Port System Plan (1992)
Team Leader, Costa Rica National Port System Study (1986)
Team Leader, Port of Alexandria/Louisiana, Red River Port Study (1986)
Port Specialist, Lower Mississippi River Intermodal Container Handling Facility (1984)
Team Leader, Mitigation Strategy for Container Terminal Congestion, Vietnam (2020-2021)
Team Leader, Comparative Performance Assessment of Central America’s Ports (2013-2014)
Team Leader, Port Operational Startup Plan, Santos, Brazil (2008)
Team Leader, Port Operational Startup Plan, Santa Catarina, Brazil (2008)
Team Leader, Port Operational Startup Plan, Buenaventura, Colombia (2008)
Team Leader, Philippines Ro/Ro Highway System Feasibility Study (2006)
Freight Corridor Options Assessment, Freight Shipments from Northern Germany to Pakistan (2006)
Principal Investigator, Prefeasibility Study for a Dry Port System in Colombia (1994)
Maritime Economist, High Speed Ferries and Coastwise Vessels: Evaluation of Parameters and Markets for Application (1999-2000)
Team Leader, China Inland Water Transport Sector Reform (1998)
Maritime Economist, Maritime System of the Americas (1995)
Team Leader, Development of Training-of-Trainers Program, Inland Water Transport Sector Training for Vietnam (1995)
Maritime Economist, U.S. Inland and Ocean Vessel System Feasibility Study, 1993
Maritime Economist, River/Ocean Vessel Feasibility Study for Mid-America to Mexico (1992)
Team Leader, Inland Water Transport Training of Trainers for Asia’s Inland Water Transport Sector/United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (1991)
Principal Investigator, Conceptual Analysis of Floating Maintenance, Repair, and Training Facility for Inland and Coastal Ports (1988)
Team Leader, Jamaica Logistics Hub Feasibility Study (2015-2017)
Corporate Principal, Development of Corporate Financial Model, Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority, Oman (2012)
Corporate Principal/Institutional Specialist, Organizational Options for Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority, Oman (2011)
Corporate Principal/Institutional Specialist, ICT Park Feasibility Study, Ghana (2009-2010)
Institutional Specialist, Aqaba Zone Economic Mobilization (AZEM) Project (2005)
Corporate Principal/Institutional Specialist, Feasibility and Institutional Study for an ICT Park/Distance Learning Center, Bhutan (2004-2005)
Strategy Specialist, Development of Private Sector Free Zones in Colombia (2002)
Employment Record
Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Ports and Logistics (2021-present), Monument Economics Group, Arlington, Virginia.
Senior Vice President/Global Advisor, Ports and Infrastructure (2010-2021), Vice President (2004-2010), Managing Director (2003-2004) and Principal Associate (2000-2002), Nathan Associates, Inc., Arlington, Virginia.
Associate Director, National Ports and Waterways Institute, Louisiana State University, Arlington, Virginia (1994 – 2000) and Group Manager/Research Associate, Policy, Management, and Training, National Ports and Waterways Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1984 – 1994).
Associate Director, Louisiana Urban Technical Assistance Center, College of Urban and Public Affairs, University of New Orleans (UNO), New Orleans, Louisiana (1981 – 1984).
Planning Officer, State Planning Office, Louisiana Office of the Governor, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1979 – 1981).
Director of Planning, Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning District, Alexandria, Louisiana (1977 –1979).
Professional Organizations
International Association for Maritime Economists (IAME)
Editorial Panel, Research in Transportation Business & Management Journal
Conference Committee, IAME 2014 Conference, Norfolk, Virginia
International Scientific Steering Committee, IAME 2014 Conference, Norfolk, Virginia
Academy for International Business
Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Society
Kent, Paul E., The Business of Sea Ports: A Guide for Practitioners, in progress, expected publication in 2022.
J.-F. Arvis, P. E. Kent, B. Shepherd, and R. Nair, “Additive manufacturing and the diffusion of 3d printing: Impact on international trade,” World Bank, 2017.
Kent, Paul E., Fahad Almarzouq, Paul Amos, Richard Bullock, Robin Carruthers, Asif Faiz, Richard Podolske, and Ziad Nakat, Institutional and Governance Structure of Oman’s Transport Sector: Challenges and Options for Reforms, The World Bank, 2015.
Kent, Paul E., Fahad Almarzouq, Paul Amos, Richard Bullock, Robin Carruthers, Asif Faiz, Richard Podolske, and Ziad Nakat, On the Move: a look on the transport sector’s management in Chile, Finland, Morocco, South Africa, and South Korea, The World Bank, 2015.
Kent, Paul E., Asaf Ashar, and Gerardo Ayzanoa, “How Fit are Central America’s Ports? An Exercise in Port Performance Assessment”, peer-reviewed paper presented to the Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists, Norfolk, Virginia, 2014.
Kent, Paul E. and Alan Fox, “Is Puerto Limon a Real Lemon? The Impact of Port Inefficiency on a National Economy”, in The International Handbook of Maritime Economics, edited by Kevin Cullinane, 2011.
Banomyong, Ruth, Peter Cook, and Paul Kent, “Formulating regional logistics development policy: the case of ASEAN, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management, 11:5, 359-379, 2008.
Kent, Paul E. and Peter Cook, “FastPath: A Diagnostics Tool for Assessing the Performance of the Transport Logistics Chain”, Proceedings of the Conference of International Association of Marine Engineers, June 2007.
Cook, Peter D. and Paul Kent, “Measuring the Performance of Transport Logistics Corridors in Developing Countries: The FastPath Approach”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Forum, March 2007.
Kent, Paul E. and Peter Cook, “FastPath: A Diagnostics Tool for Assessing the Performance of the Transport Logistics Chain”, peer reviewed conference paper), Annual Conference, International Association of Maritime Economists, Athens, Greece, June 2007.
Kent, Paul E., Emerging Challenges in Africa’s Port Sector: the “Congestion Pandemic” and Constraints to Efficiency, Nathan Associates Inc., TCB Project, US Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. 2005.
Kent, Paul E. and Alan Fox, Is Puerto Limón a Real Lemon? Port Inefficiency and its Impact, Annual Conference, International Association of Maritime Economists, Cyprus, June 2005.
Kent, Paul E. and Alan Fox, The Broad Economic Impact of Port Inefficiency: A Comparative Study of Two Ports, Nathan Associates Inc., TCB Project, US Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. 2004.
Londoño, María del Pilar and Paul E. Kent, “A Tale of Two Ports: The Cost of Inefficiency”, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., December 2003.
Kent, Paul E., “Emerging Trends and their Impact on Colombia’s Ports”, International Port Symposium, Conference Proceedings, Bogota, Colombia, 2003.
Kent, Paul E., “Monitoring for Port Antitrust Behavior: An Operational Model and Future Challenges”, Annual Conference Proceedings: International Association of Maritime Economists, November 2002, Panama.
Kent, Paul E., “Worldwide Port Reform and Privatization Trends: Practices, Issues, and Competitiveness”, Conference Proceedings: Black Sea Ports and Transport Conference, October 2001, Bourgas, Bulgaria.
Kent, Paul E., “Regulating Port Competition: Hands Off!”, Conference Proceedings: Terminal Operations Conference of the Americas, October 2001, Miami, Florida.
Kent, Paul E. and Asaf Ashar, “Port Competition Regulation: A Tool for Monitoring for Anti-Competitive Behaviour”, International Journal of Maritime Economics, Volume III, Number 1, January-March 2001.
Kent, Paul E. and Richard Blankfeld, Port Reform Toolkit, Port Regulation Module, World Bank, Washington, D.C., March 2001.
Kent, Paul E. and Anatoly Hochstein, “Port Reform and Privatization in Environments of Limited Competition: The Experience in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua”, Maritime Policy and Management, Volume 25, No. 4, pp. 313–333, 1998.
Kent, Paul E., Indonesia’s Port Sector—A Case Study of Shipping Strategies, Development Requirements, and Port Sector Reform, International Program for Port Planning and Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1997.
Kent, Paul E., Costa Rica’s Port Sector, a Case Study of Port Sector Reform, Master Planning, and Privatization, International Program for Port Planning and Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1997.
Kent, Paul E., “Port Development Trends in Latin America”, Transportation Quarterly, Volume 51, No. 2, Spring 1997, pp. 15–22.
Kent, Paul E. and Anatoly Hochstein, “Strategies for Improving Port System Performance: Worldwide Experience” (with Anatoly Hochstein), Privatizing Transportation Systems, edited by Simon Hakim, Paul Seidenstat, and Gary W. Bowman, 1996.
Kent, Paul E., “Labor Relations and the Transfer of the Panama Canal,” Maritime Policy and Management, Volume 22 Number 2 April–June 1995.
Woodbury, Paul and Paul Kent, “Transition Planning for the Transfer of the Panama Canal”, Ports ’95, American Society of Civil Engineers/Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC), March 1995.
Kent, Paul E., “Asia’s Port Sector: the Need to Institutionalize Training”, Marine Policy, Volume 16, Number 5, September 1992.
Kent, Paul E., “The Asian’s Port Sector: Institutionalization of Training”, Business Economic Quarterly, Bureau of Research, College of Business and Public Administration, Old Dominion University, Spring 1992, Volume 5, No. 2.
Kent, Paul E., Water Transportation Training Management, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1990.
Kent, Paul E., “Addressing Port Training Needs in the Caribbean Region,” (Invited Editorialist), The Buyer’s Guide to Manufacturers 1990, International Cargo Handling and Coordination Association, Milbank Publications, London, England, January 1990.
Kent, Paul E. and John Binkley, “State Oversight of Pilotage in the United States: Louisiana as a Case Study,” Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 1, January 1990.
Kent, Paul E., “Executive Development Challenges Facing the Caribbean’s Port Industry,” Exports and Education: the Emerging Role of Colleges and Universities in Support of U.S. Business in International Trade, William M. Craft, Editor, Bunker Hill Community College/U.S. Department of Education Title VI-B Business and International Education Program, Boston, MA, November 1989.
Technical Reports (Author or Co-Author)
Mitigation Strategy for Container Terminal Congestion, Vietnam (2021)
Comprehensive Port Master Plan Feasibility Study, Port of Yangon, Myanmar (2021)
Master Plan Study for Port and Special Economic Zone, Liberia (2020)
Review of Draft Port Law, Mozambique (2020)
Moldova Border Queue Management System Development (2020)
Liberia SEZ and Port Feasibility Study (2020)
Moldova Logistics Assessment (2019)
Port of Albany Master Plan (2019)
Port Authority Institutional Capacity Development Program, Haiti (2018)
Port of Albany, New York Growth Strategies Study (2017)
Preliminary Assessment of Impact of 3D Printing on Trade Flows (2017)
Jamaica Logistics Hub Feasibility Study (2017)
Kenya Port PPP Advisor Technical Assessment, Ministry of Treasury/Kenyan Ports Authority (2017)
Concession Supervision and Regulation Assessment, Puerto Cortes, Honduras (2016)
PPP Advisory Services for Port Transaction, Haiti (2016)
Suez Canal Area Development Program (2015)
Master Plan Feasibility Study for Andalucía Inland Water Port, Colombia (2015)
Ethiopia National Logistics Strategy (2015)
Transport Sector Reform, Oman (2015)
FastPath Transport Logistics Diagnostics Version 2.0 Development (2015)
Port Reform and Development Strategies for the Port Sector in Asia (1992)
Technical Assistance for Restructuring Costa Rica’s Port System (1992)
Reorganization Plan for Colombia’s Port Sector (1991)
Inland Water Transport Training of Trainers for Asia’s Inland Water Transport Sector/United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (1991)
Development and Implementation of Management Information System for the National Port Authority of Colombia (1991)
Development and Delivery of Somalia National Ports Authority Training of Trainers Program (1990)
Development and Delivery of Port Strategic Planning Program (1990)
Upper Mississippi River Intermodal Transport Facility (1989)
Somali National Ports Authority Technical Assistance Program (1989)
United States Pilotage System Assessment (1988)
Assessment of Graduate-Level Education Needs of Port Directors Worldwide (1988)
Conceptual Analysis of Floating Maintenance, Repair, and Training Facility for Inland and Coastal Ports (1988)
Development and Delivery of the Port Pricing Training Program (1987)
Louisiana Statewide Port Assessment (1987)
Costa Rica National Port System Study (1986)
Port of Alexandria/Louisiana, Red River Port Study (1986)
Assessment of Port Training Needs in the Caribbean Region (1986)
Lower Mississippi River Intermodal Container Handling Facility (1984)
Study on the Future of the Port of New Orleans (1984)
Study on Financing the Future of the Port of New Orleans (1984)
Course Development and Delivery: Port Regulation, Port Privatization, and Political and Community Relations (for the International Program for Port Planning and Management — conducted each year since 1984)
Design and Development of the International Program for Port Planning and Management and Training Materials (1984)